#INBOUND17: Roxane Gay at The INBOUND Studio

Huuuuuuuge Roxane Gay fangirl over here. As stated in my Jen Rubio post, my conference badge did not get me into The INBOUND Studio sessions. I got access to Jen's by being an early retweeter; I got access to Roxane's by waiting outside the door and begging. It worked, and for fifteen glorious minutes, I was fifteen feet away from greatness. 

I was glad they discussed her actual work, and not just her upcoming interview with Michelle Obama, which was slated for the very next morning. That being said, those of us who watched this interview spent the entire morning waiting with bated breath to discover MO's favorite song from "Lemonade" (if you missed my tweets, you'll just have to wait until tomorrow's blog post!).

Aaaaand now I have an autographed copy of "Hunger." And a pic with her. I can die happy.

Source: https://storify.com/cgritmon/roxane-gay-at...