Which social media platforms should you be on? (VIDEO)

Today I had the honor of speaking to two of Sterling National Bank's women's networking groups, Sterling Women and Extraordinary Women of Sterling, in their Montebello, NY office. One of these groups includes some of their corporate banking clients (including small business owners), and the other comprises Sterling employees. I spoke about the differences between some of the major social media platforms (LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook), and how to know which ones you really need to be on. I'm giving a talk on the same topic Wednesday night to a very different group - and I expect it will be a whole different talk!

Some key takeaways from this morning's talk:


  • Everyone who does business
  • Have a picture
  • Keep it current


  • Tangible product
  • Visually engaging
  • Feeling, not telling


  • Informative communications
  • Joining larger conversations 
  • Direct engagement with others


  • “Main Street” of the internet
  • You’re on their turf: be relevant
  • All types of communication
Source: https://www.facebook.com/christinegritmoni...