Social: Christy Laurence on how to PLANN a great brand story

Marketer, artist, and entrepreneur Christy Laurence started PLANN, an Instagram app, because people wanted help creating impactful, on-brand Instagram profiles. Images that stood together as a gallery, not just a random collection of one-offs. Posts that served strategic goals. And, above all, ways to tell their brand's visual story that didn't take up all of their time. Christy was kind enough to share some of her Instagram expertise with us today, namely on how to use this tool to tell a story (and why you should be doing so).

Some of Christy's top storytelling strategies:

  • BEHIND THE SCENES: Give followers a glimpse of what you're doing
  • COMMUNITY: Show your human side; be a little more vulnerable, less perfect. It's more relatable.
  • INSPIRATION: the same time, sometimes giving your followers something to aspire to isn't such a bad thing. Just be sure the inspirational shots you post are in line with your brand.
  • EDUCATION: What can you teach your followers about your process, your mission/vision, your product, your area of expertise? People are more likely to look kindly upon you - and buy from you! - if you've taught them something.