FAQ: Livestreaming programs

Some frequent livestreamers (myself included) prefer to use external programs - such as BeLive.tv, ecamm, or Switcher Studio - for their live broadcasts. But should you be using one?

That depends, as always, on your needs, your wants, and your comfort level.

Most programs allow you to “schedule” your live (so you’ve got a link to provide in advance for promotional purposes), and allow you to brand your livestreams with logos, colors, special frames, and even virtual backdrops. Programs can make adding guests to your livestream easier. Some programs allow you to livestream with a DSLR camera, switch between multiple feeds, and even utilize a remote producer.

But is there any advantage to using a program, in terms of reach? No. Simply hitting the “Live Video” button will do everything you really need for your live video to work. I myself use a combination of programmed lives (for my weekly Friday show, Social) and native live video (for more on-the-fly content).

Do what works best for you.
