Social: Jason Bay on nurturing LinkedIn relationships

I'm part of too damn many Facebook groups, most of them local. But when I heard about the by-application-only Badass Marketers & Founders (BAMF) group, I knew I had to go for it. Part of the group's value is in the connections: everyone involved is legit. That's how Jason Bay found me (especially after I was spotlighted as one of the group's most active members), and connected with me on LinkedIn. And, lo and behold, here he is on my livestream, telling us all about how to strategically connect with the right people, then develop and nurture relationships on LinkedIn!

    Just a few of Jason's great tips:

    • Fill out your profile - especially the picture and the summary.
    • Don't worry about being on every platform. Be on the platform where the people you want to connect with are. (Jason's work is B-to-B, so LinkedIn works for him.)
    • Groups can be a great source to mine for relevant connections.
    • Include a personalized message when you try to connect with someone; give them context, don't leave it blank.
    • Add value! Make sure people are getting something out of being connected to you.