#MRCCSocial: Pattie Simone keynote

As you've probably figured out by now if you follow me, well, ANYWHERE, I had a pretty amazing time at last week's Mahwah Regional Chamber of Commerce Social Media Day. And, as I tend to do, I live-Tweeted the crap out of every session I attended. I even won a prize for top usage of the #MRCCSocial conference hashtag!


Now, live-Tweets can get messy. I couldn't even navigate any of my observations when I wanted to discuss them on Social last Friday. So, as I also do, I put them into Storify threads, which I'll be rolling out throughout the week.

First up: conference organizer & opening keynote speaker Pattie Simone of WomanCentric discusses WHY and HOW we need to use social media.

Source: https://storify.com/cgritmon/mrccsocial-59...